Monday, February 22, 2010

Con-Ed Dorks

As you are all aware (because you all obviously faithfully read my profile), I'm a con ed student here at Nip. This means I was on placement this past reading week. This may mean I didn't get a real "Reading week" because I didn't catch up on a lot of work, but let's be serious folks, who actually does? Aside from us dorks. Yes, I read David Copperfield on Valentine's Day. After that, I was definitely lacking in the productivity department for the rest of the week, aside from placement responsibilities. Which are what I am going to talk about now! Because some of them, I personally think, are blog-worthy.

So, Monday being Family Day (which is solely an Ontarian holiday, in case you weren't aware! It's not Canada-wide), I finished up my David Copperfield affair before heading to a Grade 8 class on Tuesday. I know what most people think -- Grade 8 kids = hormone overload. This is true. BUT, they were a very well-behaved group of hormonal youth, that I was able to accompany on two field trips! It was actually a fantastic week to be in the classroom. I did my lesson on Wednesday (autobiographical news stories, to any of you who are going into teaching and want a little lesson idea). Then on Thursday we went to the Ontario Science Centre in Toronto to see the "Body Worlds" exhibit. I was in charge of 6 students, and in typical dork fashion, I called them my "peeps" and would say things like "Alright homeslices, let's peace out to the rainforest exhibit. Werd." It just so happened that a lot of my group found my 'retro' sayings like "stellar" entertaining, so we got along well. They also enjoyed my geeky-dorkiness when going through the bodies exhibit when I explained scientific and biological things to them. It's really an environment that dorkiness can thrive in. On Friday we went to a tech centre, which was also fantastic and gave me time to get marking done.

So, while us con ed people may complain about having less reading week time than our Nipissing peers for getting work done, we'd be lying if we said we hated it. We're dorks and we love being in the classroom teaching or working with students, or we wouldn't be in this program. Embrace it. It's stellar.


  1. you bet we love every second of our placement...makes me feel like I am being productive! and you know how much we all LOVE when profs tell us we had lots of time to get caught up on our readings...silly profs lol :)

  2. yeah, i love placement.... and hate how behind i am in homework now w :( overloaddddd. stressful.

  3. Overload = stressful for sure. Still not caught up, depite how much time the profs think we've had.
