Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Random Fact Dorks

Random fact:
If you do not eat enough iron for an extended period of time, it affects your tongue. For example, the hairs on your tongue can start to come off in little patches. Yes! Your tongue has hairs! It's generally not noticeable until they start to fall off though ... and for those of you who are interested, yes, I know from experience. I would post pictures, but it was too weird and also too embarrassing to take a picture. But take note, for those of you who enjoy random trivia!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

HP Dork

Shout out to all the Harry Potter geeks of Nip! If you have not yet watched "A Very Potter Musical," I suggest you hit it up. It can be found on Youtube. A highschool student in an arts school wrote it and another wrote the music. It's a quite impressive fan fiction endeavour, and is a great distraction from studying. My favourite character is Malfoy. He is played by a girl and she is fantastic in the role. Makes me laugh every time, but that might be because I'm an HP Dork. Check it out!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Vampire Dork

SPOILER ALERT! This post has nothing to do with the Twilight series. Aside from this ironic statement in which I mention it to indicate I refuse to mention it.
I have a confession: I recently have watched an unnatural amount of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I'm on the 7th season, and I didn't even really like the first. However, I don't have cable because I'm too cheap and I want some mindless television in the background as I do certain homework, essay writing, and note-making for exams. So I have two little Buffy anecdotes to share.

1) Two nights ago I had a dream. I'm going to argue against Freud's theory of manifest and latent content in this one, as my fears were pretty clear. In it, Buffy and her Scoobies are researching some form of demon and decipher a passage that will help them. Zander says "Who is Althusser, and why is he so gosh-darn cryptic when he writes?" Then I step in and say "Louis Althusser. Literary theorist" and then I become the expert, but I can't decipher anything and have a panic moment where I yell "What is going to happen on the exam!!??!!"

2) [This one could also be influenced by my current reading of Dracula for another exam] I came to the conclusion today that one of my classes is a vampire. Studying for this exam is slowly draining the life out of me; it initially seduced me in the first three classes (back in September) and then began said drainage; and I have two red bumps on my neck that I had initially assumed were pimples of some form, but putting together all the connections have come to the realisation that I must dispel this myth and burn my notes to purge me from the evil contained in the binder! [more effective than stabbing it with a wooden stake ... also I'm too weak]. Think that's better than a "dog ate my homework" excuse?