Thursday, February 4, 2010

H1N2 : Lost Fever

Geeky Dork Nipissing student time.

Every year around this time, the infection begins. It's a season. Is it a flu season? I would equate it with one. H1N2 : Lost Fever! It's Lost Season! (which is a great pun on flu season, I like to think). It becomes an epidemic, like H1N1.

It starts with posters...simple posters around the university. You may not have noticed them before, but I'm in my third year and they have come every year of my university career. They are simple, white sheets with simple, black writing. They almost blend into the walls, but they work on your subconscious. Suddenly you are telling your friends who are named Kate that you "have to go back" because "the others are coming." Your friends may notice that you are muttering to yourself and when they ask you to speak louder you're reciting "4 8 15 16 23 42" like some kind of possessed person, or someone delirious because of LOST FEVER! The other day someone asked me why people who are already infected with H1N2 would want to put these posters up. Well, no one wants to be the only person infected with a disease. It's isolating. Kind of like living on an island. So they use subliminal messaging to get other people infected so they don't have to live in a bubble by themselves.

I admit, I have watched Lost. It is a very contagious show. Once you get into it, it's hard to get out. And it is very natural to want everyone else to watch it as well because then you have more people to talk to about your infectious show. Will the others win out? Will the unidentified killing thing kill everyone? Who knows?! But with other H1N2 diseased running around, you can at least have educated speculative conversations about the topic.

I propose an H1N2 support group to be held in H102. They sound so similar it would be easy for a diseased mind to remember, and it's a lounge, so that's perfect! Just a suggestion.

Finally, H1N2 is the perfect accompaniment to H1N1 or any other flu form. Think about it. If you come down with the flu, you're going to be comfined to bed, and what will you want to do? Sit around watching tv. So you can get caught up on all the Lost seasons during Lost Season.

Also, as an even more final note, I would like to draw attention to this subliminal advertising strategy. Nipissing Business students check it out! Track the spread of H1N2!

(NOTE: If you do actually end up getting H1N1 in the second wave, I sympathise. It's been predicted to come in the next month. Keep washing your hands and using the sanitizer dispensers conveniently placed around the university!)


  1. I hope you realize that because of this post you have potentially spread the disease even further. I myself have never seen an episode, but I'm starting to wonder about it now. The thought to download them came to my mind. You make me sick! eh? eh?
