Thursday, March 4, 2010

Oh! Hey! Look! Something Political!

I currently have 4 English essays in progress. It's times like these, when I am doing research looking for proofs, that a quote from a certain Prime Minister of Canada (*cough*Cretien*cough*) comes to mind:

"What is a proof? A proof is a proof and when you have good proof it's because it's proven."

He also says it with a French accent, in which he over enunciates his p's and f's, so the entire thing is quite comical.

This puts me in a political frame of mind, and consequently I feel like mentioning to my fellow Nippisingites the current Canadian controversy. Yep, now that the Olympics are over and we set new records for gold medals, so our anthem was played multiple times for all the world to hear and become recognizable, it's time to change it. Good thing we've got the Tories to set our priorities for us. Maybe they'll keep it similar enough that it will still be recognizable, and change "sons" for something like "peeps" so it's only one syllable.

For those of you who don't know the current situation, to make a long story short, the government has decided that the term "sons" in the anthem is sexist and it's about time that was changed.

Already there are Facebook groups opposed to the change and discussions begun, and from what I can see most are opposed to this change, especially because it should not be the current priority, and is seen as a "diversonary tactic" to distract us from the $56 billion deficit that's been racked up.

Whether or not they change the anthem, I'm going to go find some proven proofs for my essays. That's my priority.

For anyone who would like to read some commentary on the opinion of actual political leaders, such as MPs, this link has some good quotes. Thanks to a friend who brought the issue to my attention through this site :)


  1. any thoughts on the commercial of the little kids who don't know the words to the national anthem... they're def cute but isn't that a bad message to send out?

  2. Agreed. While this commercial is going to get some "awwwwww" comments from the females of the world, the entire world is not a Nipissing environment with an 8:1 female to male ratio ... while it is cute, it does make us seem slightly ignorant to our own heritage ... then again, Canadian heritage is a difficult one to define with all our multiculturalism ...
